Process: Susanoo

 The same thing that happened with the previous drawing happened with the kami Susanno. I had to redo this drawing because once again it would affect negatively the consisty of the collection. 

It took me about 3 hours to complete it and I wasn't quite sure about this so I gave it a try:

I started by adding the masking fluid:

Then I painting the background:

And painted the clothes:

However, I noticed that there were some parts of the sea that had some parts of watercolour that shouldn't have so I made some changes and added some details. This was the final result of this first attempt:

In the end, I didn't like the result so I started a new drawing. This drawing took me about 3 hours, but once again I forgot to take a picture in the beginning of the process. This was the first photo that I took of the painting:

Then I did a simple background - inspired by the japanese illustrations of waves - and the clothings:

For his pose I used as reference the following image:

Reflection about the process and outcome

Once again, I was not expecting this would take me so long, but I am happy with the result and that is the most important. There are still some things that I would improve, specially in the background but I belive that it is much better than the previous drawing and that it is much more alike the rest of the collection.


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