Reflection: Art Portfolio 2

Although there was not as much work as in the previous terms, these term was very challenging. I encountered enumerous problems through the process, not only on the 3D outcome but also on the 2D outcomes. It put me through a lot of pression and I got really anxious, but I think that in the end I was able to give life to this project.

I feel like I really challenged myself through the year and that I have grown a lot as an artist. Those who followed my work since the beginning of the year are able to notice how I improved not only my research, but also how I describe my work and, of course, my technique itself. Althoug I am an aspiring artsist, my comfort zone will always be drawing with pencils. Getting out of this, and starting to paint with watercolours, which was something that I was 'afraid' really helped me to understand that I can do whatever I want with practice. I have always been a perfeccionist painting with this material helped me to understand that sometimes a mistake can improve my work.

Overall, I am quite happy with the progress I made through the year. I learned a lot and improved my skills which I believe it was reflected on the work I developed. My work is not perfect, of course, but as every artist we need to make mistakes to learn with them. Keeping this in mind, I found a quote from Francis Bacon that sums up what all the mistakes I made and accidents that I came up with through the process meant to my project:

“All painting is an accident. But it’s also not an accident, because one must select what part of the accident one chooses to preserve.” (Bacon F., n.d.)


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